The Madagascar Integrated Energy Access Plan (IEP) provides a conceptual framework, methods, tools, and data for planning universal access to clean energy access by 2030. Specific sectors include electrification for residential and institutional users, clean cooking for residential and institutional users, and also electrification of cold chains for the health, agricultural, and fishery sectors to preserve medicines and food. The work outlines a least-cost approach to clean energy access and provides actionable projects and policy recommendations to bring ideas to reality.

The interactive geospatial tool and final reports are accessible here.

“The Madagascar Integrated Energy Access Planning Tool is an online, publicly available, interactive, and user-friendly data visualization platform that equips Madagascar’s policy makers and energy practitioners with data and insights to make informed decisions on strategies and operations to advance energy access in the country.”

Arizona State University led development of the clean cooking analysis, and worked underneath NRECA International as overall project lead and expert in electrification planning. The effort was spearheaded by Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy and Hydrocarbons, Madagascar, with support from Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet and the OPEC Fund for International Development.